Healthy Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is often a time when we eat more sugar than normal. Candy, confections, and special, sumptuous dinners are often enjoyed on this day. It’s fine to celebrate with food, but there other ways to let people know that you care about them without raising their insulin levels.. Are you looking for healthy Valentine's Day ideas? Here are some ideas for having a healthier, happier Valentine’s Day that won’t show up on the scale the day after.
Ideas for a healthy Valentine's Day
Taking a leisurely stroll and a beautiful area, like a park or natural area, can be satisfying and improve intimacy while also providing exercise. The goal is not necessarily to get your heart rate up, but to spend the quality time that you might not have ordinarily with your loved one. If walking or hiking is too strenuous, perhaps you can go swimming together, or do yoga or Tai Chi together.
If you’re alone and don’t have a partner, you can use the day to treat yourself with love and respect. Maybe get a massage or take a soak in a hot tub, or go to a sauna. Do something that you would really enjoy and treat yourself as you would like to be treated on the special day.
Prepare a healthy meal together, if you have a partner slowly and mindfully together. This can promote a healthier, calmer approach to food and the act of eating. We also digest better when were calm and when we are feeling secure and loved.
Update your Netflix or other movie playlist so that you find movies that you both like. If you’re really busy, make some date nights where you plan to watch specific movies on different evenings or days.
Make a wish list of all the sites and adventures you’d like to go on, and pick one randomly for Valentine’s Day. It can be local or, if you want to splurge, something exotic and more distant. Experiencing new things together can create a better bond between you and your loved one.
Kindness can be sweet on Valentine's Day
Do something kind for a total stranger. It could be a homeless person that you see noodle mall, a neighbor you don’t talk to very often, or anyone who seems frustrated or annoyed. One person told me how he helped defuse a tense situation in a grocery store by talking kindly to an employee who was having a mini meltdown. It helped him feel better, and it also let the employee no that he wasn’t just someone stocking the shelves. He was a human being, which always makes us feel a little more special.
Play a game with a lover or friend to deepen your connection. Think of all the things you’ve ever wanted to know about the person and have them come up with questions for you as well. It can be sort of like a truth or dare, but much gentler. You can find out more about the person you care about.
Have a slumber party all day with your partner or lover, where you spend the day being intimate and enjoying each other’s company and essential way. Do the usual massage, but also change things up by reading poetry or erotica to each other. If that doesn’t suit your fancy, read spiritual books to each other or something that would bring you closer.

These are just a few ideas offered as alternatives to eating a box of See’s candy and drinking too much or engaging in other traditional, unhealthy behaviors.
Most of all, I urge you to appreciate yourself and your loved ones, whether they are romantically involved with you or not. I hope you have a wonderful, warm holiday and many more to come! If you want to know more about treating yourself lovingly this Valentine’s Day and all days, please call Glen at (661) 575-7135.