Aromatherapy: An Effective Way to Achieve Psychological Balance

There are a number of aroma therapy oils that help with psychological wellbeing. The oils discussed here are lavender, bitter orange, and ylang ylang. Aromatherapy for psychological balance can help you reach a calm, pleasant state relatively quickly and easily.
Lavender is the classic oil for calming people. I have seen it drop people’s blood pressure as much as 20 points. It is also used in Japanese businesses to improve performance. In tests, lavender oil was found to improve performance and reduce errors when piped into the air circulation system in a business. This demonstrates how lavender can be relaxing yet focusing.
Bitter orange oil is another good oil for balancing the mind. If I am sleepy or down this oil works like a cup of coffee. If I am wound up it focuses me.
I find with clients who have anxiety or depression there are a number of oils that balance their thoughts. The oils are ylang ylang, lavender, tangerine, and bitter orange.
Which aromatherapy oil would work best for your psychological balance?
Each person is different and will respond best to different oils. I often use applied kinesiology to choose the correct oil. As a certified aroma therapist I ca help choose the correct oil for your biology. With muscle testing, aka applied kinesiology, I can help you find the right oil for you: 661-575-7135.