Alternative Autism Healing

They say there's no cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder, but that doesn't mean that people can't search for, and use, alternative ways for healing Autism. Here is one story of a brave, innovative doctor who did just that.
Dr. Katherine Reid has a daughter who was exhibiting autistic behavior. Her daughter made no eye contact with others and did not interact with them. She would repeat words but had no conversations with people and would not answer questions.
Dr. Reid started changing her daughter’s diet in hopes of helping her daughter. She started with all fruit, vegetable and nut smoothies along with supplements. Within days, her daughter made eye contact and responded to her name for the first time in her life.
Since Dr. Reid saw good results, the mom cut out gluten {a protein in wheat}, wheat and casein {a dairy product}. The daughter’s social skills and communication improved.
Still, the daughter would have times when her brain would be stuck for hours on a simple yes or no question like do I want my blanket. This spurred Dr. Reid to continue reading about diet. There are one million publications associated with glutamine dysfunction in the mind and body.
The role of glutamine
We have evolved to digest glutamine in a protein. This is different from free glutamine that is not bound to other amino acids. MSG is the most common free glutamine. Although free glutamine exists naturally in whole foods at a fraction of a percent, it is different from the effects of free glutamine that exists at 5% to 20% in processed foods.
Free glutamine can bypass digestion and go straight to the blood. It can create surges of free glutamine that spur on production of mucus, motility, and digestive function. Glutamine receptors in our pancreas that regulate insulin in the blood can cause over-production of insulin leading to diabetes.
As a good mom, she was not purposely giving her daughter foods with MSG. The MSG or free glutamine is labeled in fifty different ways. Neurologically it fakes the brain into thinking food is good. Some of the names it uses are natural flavors, yeast extract, protein extract, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed oat flour, natural flavors, pectin, and enriched protein.
Avoiding MSG as an alternative way to heal Autism
To avoid the MSG, she turned to whole foods and cooking from scratch. Foods like whole nuts, fruit, vegetables, beans, and legumes. Her daughter has become a regular child on this diet. She was transitioned out of her special needs class for regular school, caught up with the other students, and is now very social.
Her health issues including her headaches stopped, she ceased her pollen allergies and solved her digestive issues.
Not every child or adult can be "cured" this way, obviously, but wouldn't it be intriguing to find out how your or your child's diet affects the way you think, feel and behave?
We are what we eat. You can learn more about how to heal Autism and other conditions with various alternative healing methods. This includes learning how your food stresses your body by using Quantum Biofeedback, applied kinesiology, and cleaning up your diet. I can help with these issues; please call me at 661-575-7135.
(From Ted talks: Unblind my mind: What are we eating? Dr. Katherine Reid)