Delightful Detox: Natural ways to Detoxify your Body
Many people talk about detoxifying their bodies these days, and even their minds to a lesser extent. I think that in these days, with all...

Chronic Illnesses: What You Need to Know About Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Some illnesses defy medical explanation and understanding, which makes it hard to treat them. Here's a brief description of CFS, Fibromy

Mindful Living: Practical Everyday Meditations for a Happier Life.
Meditation doesn't have to be a formal activity with the right clothes, the right cushions, incense wafting through the room, and dreamy...

The Importance of Attitude: Where do you stand?
The Importance of Attitude in your Stance We all take a stand in the world. For instance, a golfer takes a certain stance when she is...

Healing in the Present Moment
We don't all heal at the same rate, or in the same way. This can lead to frustration, sadness, and discouragement. What we tell ourselve

How to Incorporate Quick and Easy Meditations into Your Daily Routine
I enjoy encouraging people to meditate in my office. It centers you and connects you to your soul. Sometimes, however, people say that...

Kicking Cold and Flu Season's Fanny
Cold and flu season is here, and shows no signs of letting up for awhile. With lower temperatures, our bodies have to adjust and this...

Aromatherapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder that not many doctors know how to treat. Sometimes they can even give advice that makes CFS...

Happiness In An Oil? Tangerine Oil for Inner Peace
Want to have inner peace, sleep better, and feel happier? Try tangerine essential oil.

Improve your Mood and Clear your Skin!
Want to improve your mood and the clarity of your skin? We've got an essential oil for that! Grapefruit oil is great for working with...