Four Ways to Stop Your Monkey Mind
Anyone who works for a living can get caught up in the spirit of wanting to be, do, and have more. We want it all and we want it now. In...

Health Goals for the New Year
This is often the time of year when people resolve to make positive health changes in their health, like losing weight, cutting down on...

What is Your Dream Diet?
If you had your choice of diets, what would your dream diet be? Most people would like to have their taste buds tickled without worrying...

Aromatherapy for Your Mood and Skin Health
How Does an Essential Oil Clear Your Skin and Improve Your Mood? Essential oils are good for many different purposes. Sometimes it seems...

Unexpected Essential Oils That Can Help Bust Your Stress
When you think of essential oils that relieve stress, you probably automatically think about lavender. Yes, lavender is good for anxiety...

Understanding Emotional Paralysis: A Challenge for Those Living with Chronic Illness
Do you feel emotionally paralyzed by living with your chronic illness? It can take a big adjustment to live with a chronic illness, and...

Holistic Healing Classes Now Offered
Want to learn how to help yourself and your family members and friends feel better, natrually? You might want to try booking a holistic...

Interview on Sound Healing with Glen and Stan Sorensen
Stan Sorensen recently interviewed Glen Larsen for MindaliaTV.com about his healing work with Larsen Wellness:...

Coping with Serious Medical Problems
Have you received a diagnosis that scared you? Are you wonder how to cope with a serious medical illness? You are not alone! A dear...

Glen has been busy!
January has been a busy month for Larsen Wellness! On Wednesday, 1/16/19, Glen gave a presentation on the wonderful uses of sound...